2017年6月16日 星期五

08 eMail 「常用英文」你才不會忘記Blog



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08 eMail 職場常用英文100句



1. May I have your reply by April 1, if possible?
2. If you wish, we would be happy to…
3. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

4. If there’s anything else I can do for you on/regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at any time.

5. If you want additional recommendation on this, please let us know and we can try to see if this is possible.
6. I’m just writing to remind you of…
7. May we remind you that…?
8. I am enclosing…
9. Please find enclosed…
10. Attached hereto…
12. Attached please find the most up-to-date information on/regarding/concerning
13. Attached please find the draft product plan for your review and comment.
14. If you have any further question, please feel free to contact me.
15. I hope my clarification has been helpful.
16. Please feel free to call me at any time, I will continually provide full support.
17. Please let me know if this is suitable.
18. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
19. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
20. Hope this is clear and we are happy to discuss this further if necessary.
21. I look forward to receiving your reply soon.
22. Looking forward to receiving your comments in due course.
23. I’ll keep you posted.
24. Please keep me informed on the matter.
25. For any comments/suggestion, please contact Mr.Ong at 014-988 9790.
任何評價或建議,請打電話014-988 9790聯絡Mr.Ong
26. I would like to apologize for
27. I apologize for the delay in…
28. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
29. I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.
30. I’m sorry about last time.
31.We apologize for not replying you earlier.
32. I’m really sorry about this.
33. Sorry, I’m late in replying to your e-mail dated Monday, April 1.
34. We apologize for the delay and hope that it doesn’t inconvenience you too much.
35.Hoping that this will not cause you too much trouble.
36.Sorry if my voice message is not clear enough.
37. Thank you for your help.
38. I appreciate very much that you…
39. I truly appreciate it.
40. Thank you for your participation.
41. Thank you so much for inviting me.
42.Congratulation to all of you and thanks for your efforts.
43. Your understanding and cooperation is greatly/highly appreciated.
44. Your prompt respone will be most appreciated.
45. Once again, thank you all for your commitment and support.
46. Thanks for your input/clarification/message.
47. Any comments will be much appreciated.
48. Thank you very much for everything you’ve done for me.
49. I would appreciate your kindest understanding with/regarding this matter.
50. Please convey my thanks to all the staff involved, they certainly did an excellent job.
51.Definitely,We will dell with it at once.
當然, 我們會很快幫您處理.
 52.Well. I'll need to speak with our AT department about this.
53.I'd like to remind you especially for ....
54.Please could you send your price list as soon as possible.
55.If you need any more information, please feel free to ask me.
56.We just received your inquiry. We’ll get back to you about your order as soon as possible.

2017年6月14日 星期三

3 Level 0-1 善用連接詞和連接性副詞

英文寫作: 善用連接詞和連接性副詞,讓句子更流暢!


在寫作時若想要連接下一段句子,或是增加句子的豐富性,大家都知道可以使用連接詞。不過如果常用and, but, so, because 這些連接詞,文章不免會顯得乏味。其實還有很多[連接性副詞]和[相關連接詞],也有和 and, but, so, because 等大家熟悉的連接詞相近的含意。學習使用不同的連接詞,會讓你寫出來的句子更流暢也更生動 ! 
以下的例句,使用和 and, but, because, so 意思相近的連接詞或連接性副詞改寫,希望大家看了後會更有概念。

1. 和 and 意思相近:also, besides, likewise,  furthermore ,moreover, not only… but also 等等。

I like reading and watching movies. 這句話用其他的連接詞或連接性副詞,要如何改寫呢?
*** I like reading, also watching movies.
*** Besides reading, I like watching movies.
*** I like reading, watching movies likewise.
*** I like reading books, furthermore ( moreover) novels.
*** I like not only reading, but also watching movies.


Also: I am 28 years old. Helen is also.
Besides: It rains heavily. Besides, the roads are nearly impassable.
Likewise: To achieve your goal, you must have ambition; likewise you need to exert more efforts.
Furthermore ( moreover ) : Bicycling is a good exercise ; furthermore ( moreover ), it doesn’t  pollute the air .
Not only…but also: The car not only is economical but also feels good to drive.

2. 和 but意思相近:however, still, nevertheless, conversely…… 等。
He is handsome but I don’t like him. 這句話用其他的連接詞或連接性副詞,要如何改寫呢?
*** He is handsome. However, I don’t like him.
*** He is handsome, still I don’t like him.
*** He is handsome; nevertheless, I don’t like him.
*** He is a handsome man; conversely, he is not smart.
However: I feel a bit tired. However, I can hold on.
Still: The hotel was terrible. Still, we were lucky with the weather.
Nevertheless: She was angry; nevertheless, she listened to me.
Conversely: My mother prefers to keep a cat at home; conversely, my father likes to have a dog.

3. 和 because / because of 意思相近: because [因為],是連接詞,意思相近的有 due to the fact that, for the reason that。有一個大家也常用的because of,是介係詞片語,意思相近的有 by reason of, resulting from。

以下含有because 或because of的句子,一樣試試用不同的字詞替換。

He passed the test because he really studied hard.
*** He passed the test due to the fact that (for the reason that) he really studied hard.

The poor stray dog finally had a new home because of Mary’s kindness.
*** The poor stray dog finally had a new home resulting from (by reason of) Mary’s kindness.

4. 和 so意思相近的有 accordingly, consequently, therefore
So 的意思為[所以,因此],表示因果關係。
Peter lowered his voice so his mother couldn't hear. 也試著用連接性副詞來改寫吧!

*** Peter lowered his voice. Accordingly, his mother couldn’t hear.
*** Peter lowered his voice; therefore, his mother couldn’t hear.

最後要提醒大家的是,只有連接詞可以連接兩個句子。所以用連接性副詞時,要用分號 ( ; ) 來隔開兩個句子。 例如: He seems to study rarely; nevertheless, he always gets the highest score in the class.或者用句號 ( . ) 結束上一個句子,再用連接性副詞開始新的句子。例如: The cost of transportation is a major expense for an industry. Hence, factory location is an important consideration.
( 圖片來源: 網路 )

3 Level 0-2 10種必須要了解的連接詞

增強寫作技巧! 不再使用but, so, because等基本連接詞: 10種必須要了解的連接詞


在寫作時常常不知道如何連接下一段句子嗎? 總是一直用but, so 這些基本連接詞? 今天小編要教你10種不同的連接詞, 讓你不再詞窮寫作拿高分!
1. but (然而): 
yet (對等連接詞) however; nevertheless; nonetheless (連接副詞)
2. so (因此): 
thus; therefore; hence ; consequently; in consequence; as the/a result; for this reason (連接副詞) 
3. besides, in addition to + n. (此外):  
apart from (從屬連接詞) in addition; more so; moreover; furthermore; on the other hand (連接副詞)
4. because of (由於/因為+ N./Ving):  
due to; owing to;  resulted from; by reason of;  on account of; as a result of (從屬連接詞)
5. because, since (由於/因為+子句):  
owing that; as; due to the fact that; for the reason that (從屬連接詞)
6since (既然):
as; now that; given that; inasmuch as; as long as; so long as (從屬連接詞)
7. though, although (雖然/儘管):  
even though (從屬連接詞、連接副詞) despite that; in spite of; in spite that; notwithstanding; even so (連接副詞)
8. otherwise(否則):  
or else; elsewise; if not (從屬連接詞)
9. suddenly (突然):  
unexpectedly; abruptly (副詞) all of a sudden; all at once (慣用語 idiom)
10. on the opposite (反過來說):  
on the contrary;  in contrast; on the other hand (連接副詞) the other way (a)round; quite the opposite (慣用語 idiom)
*對等連接詞(but, yet, so, or):連接詞可連接兩個句子
ex:I love her, but she doesn’t love me.
*連接副詞(however, nevertheless, nonetheless):通常以分號 “;”和逗號”,”加諸於副詞連接詞前後,並置於兩個獨立子句之中。
ex: He loves her; however, she doesn’t love him. 或者 He loves her. However, she doesn’t love him.
*從屬連接詞(as, as long as, because, since):從屬子句在某種程度上是用來修飾主要子句。而主要子句可單獨存在,從屬子句卻無法單獨存在。
看engVid專業老師Adam的連接詞教學,來了解in addition; furthermore; moreover以及another要怎麼使用在寫作上。

加映: 連接詞beside 和 besides傻傻分不清楚

3 Level 0-0 實用連接副詞總整理

【英文寫作技巧】「然後」只會用 then 嗎?別再用 so, but, and then 了!實用連接副詞總整理

英文基礎文法 60 - 準連接詞
3   文法:把文法的戲類分在下面

3.1 時態:動詞的十二個時態,還沒有分開來一個個解釋,有機會再來好好重新整理,不過打關鍵字應該可以找到想要的時態說明

3.2 動詞與助動詞:一些動詞跟著動詞的特別用法

3.3 名詞與代名詞:顧名思義,可數不可數,主詞代名詞,受詞代名詞之類

3.4 形容詞:形容詞的用法

3.5 副詞:副詞的用法

3.6 介系詞:時間介系詞,方位介系詞等等

3.7 連接詞:連接詞的用法

3.8 子句:形容詞子句,名詞子句,副詞子句

3.9 文法 其他:不在上面的,還有一些文法的練習題


英文如果只會 then then then 當然也不行!
為了不讓大家詞窮,VoiceTube 今天整理出一系列的連接詞
讓你擺脫 and, so, but, then,寫作輕鬆拿高分!

英文寫作,不論是考 TOEFL或是研究論文撰寫時,如果一直「然後然後然後」可是大 NG 囉!想擺脫 and, so, but, then 的死板英文,有哪些英文可以用呢?小編今天要教大家順暢連接下一句的英文,也就是「連接副詞」(conjunctive adverbs),快點學起來!

連接副詞 conjunctive adverbs

連接副詞用於連貫一個段落或是一篇文章的句子,可以在語氣上連接兩個句子。連接副詞的句型結構公式如下:S + V . 連接副詞 , S + V . 從以上公式可知,連接副詞的目的就是連接兩個獨立的子句,讓你的文章更順暢!
  • I was sick. Therefore, I went to see a doctor
  • I was sick; therefore, I went to see a doctor.
  • I was sick. I, therefore, went to see a doctor.


可以取代 and then 的詞有哪些呢?再看表達「然後」的連接副詞之前,讓我們一起看下面這部影片的詳細解釋!


then 然後

The weather was nice in the morning. Then, it started to rain in the afternoon.早上的天氣很好。然後,下午就開始下雨了。

afterwards 之後、後來

We plan to have a luncheon to celebrate this event, and take a group picture afterwards.我們計劃舉行特別午餐來慶祝,之後再拍團體照留念。

after that 在那之後

Daniel moved to Japan when we were in sixth grade. After that, we’ve never seen each other again.丹尼爾在六年級時搬到日本。在那之後,我們就不曾見面了。

furthermore 此外、而且

Sam borrowed my bicycle without asking. Furthermore, he got a flat tire, and didn’t even tell me.山姆未經過我的同意就騎走我的腳踏車。而且,他爆胎了也不跟我說一聲。

also 此外

Drunk driving is dangerous. Also, it is both immoral and illegal.酒駕是很危險的。此外,這是不道德且不合法的。

moreover 此外、而且

Eating well is important for our health. Moreover, it is no doubt the cornerstone of our lives.良好的飲食習慣對身體健康很重要。此外,這也是我們人生的基石。

in addition 此外

Our new director speaks three languages fluently. In addition, he has six years of experience.我們的新主管精通三種語言。此外,他有六年工作經驗。

besides 此外

Our new house is so close to the city center. Besides, it has four large bedrooms.我們的新家鄰近市中心。此外,新家有四間大房間。

additionally 此外

I am looking forward to working abroad because the salary is higher. Additionally, I am quite interested in experiencing exotic culture.我很期待出國工作因為薪水更高。此外,我對體驗異國文化有興趣。


再來如果你想先講 A 再講 B,可以利用轉折連接副詞來串連兩個獨立子句,讓文章更順暢!

however 然而

We wanted to spend the day at the beach; however, it rained so we stayed at home.我們原本想去海邊,然而,天公不作美,我們只好待在家。

nonetheless 然而

You’re my friend. Nonetheless, I feel like you’re taking advantage of me.我視你為好友。然而,我卻覺得你只是在利用我。

nevertheless 然而

I was sick yesterday. Nevertheless, I still did all my homework.我昨天生病。然而,我還是完成所有的作業。

although 儘管

Although she lost her legs in a skiing accident, she still managed to enjoy every moment of her life.儘管滑雪的意外讓她必須截肢,但她仍努力的活在當下、享受人生的每一刻。
Although the weather was bad, we went hiking.儘管天氣很糟,我們依然去爬山。

even so 儘管如此

This time she has kept her promises faithfully. Even so, I don’t really trust her.這次她有守信用地遵守承諾。儘管如此,我還是不相信她。


therefore 因此

John was tired after a long day at school. Therefore, he immediately took a nap when he got home.強尼在學校度過了漫長且勞累的一天。因此,他一回家就馬上小憩片刻。

thus 因此

He has a race tomorrow; thus, he can’t stay out late tonight.他明天有一場比賽,因此他今晚不能太晚回家。

hence 因此

He doesn’t talk much. Hence, he doesn’t have many friends.他不善言辭。因此,他沒有很多朋友。

in conclusion 結果

In conclusion, if you don’t love him, stop taking advantage of him.結果來說,如果你不愛他,就不要利用人家。

as a result 結果

He forgot to lock the door. As a result, everything was stolen.他忘記鎖門了。結果,所有東西都被偷了。

consequently 結果

He watches english video via VoiceTube twice a week. Consequently, his English improves.他一週兩天觀看 VoiceTube 的英文影片。結果,他的英文進步了。

to sum up 總結、總而言之

To sum up, eating vegetables is always a good idea.總而言之,多吃蔬菜有益無害。



on the other hand 反之

Working long hours is one way to succeed in business; on the other hand, it also means you have to sacrifice sleeping hours.長時間的工作是企業成功的方法之一,但反之,這也代表你必須犧牲睡眠時間。

on the contrary 反之

I’m all against euthanasia. On the contrary, there may be someone who agrees with you.我完全不贊成安樂死。反之,或許有人會贊成你的論點。

by contrast 反之

Cats often sleep the day away. By contrast, dogs never settle down.貓通常會睡一整天。反之,狗總是很好動。



for example (e.g.) 例如

You can learn a lot from VoiceTube. For example, they have English videos with subtitles.你可以從 VoiceTube 學到很多。例如,他們的英文影片都有上字幕。

for instance 例如

There are many advantages of exercising. For instance, I am now in a better shape.運動的好處有很多。例如,我現在更苗條了。
such as 例如
There are a lot of advantages of working abroad, such as experiencing various cultures, making new friends, and pushing yourself out of the comfort zone.出國工作的好處有很多,例如你可以體驗不同的文化、結交新朋友、也可以走出舒適圈。